“I don’t even argue anymore. Projects end up with a gazillion APIs tied to screens that change often, which, by ‘design’ require changes in the API and before you know it, you end up with lots of APIs and for each API many form factors and platform variants.”
“The term ‘Atomic CSS’ was coined by Thierry Koblenz […]. Some people started referring to this approach as ‘Functional CSS’ some time later. […] today the terms Functional CSS and Atomic CSS are used interchangeably.”
“Functional programming is infectious. I find it beautiful & elegant in much the same way as a Braun watch or Karl Gerstner’s grid system for Capital magazine.”
“Functional programming is infectious. I find it beautiful & elegant in much the same way as a Braun watch or Karl Gerstner’s grid system for Capital magazine.”
“It turns out that immutable objects are objects ‘whose state cannot be modified after [they have been] created’. That’s exactly what we’re aiming for with certain types of rule in our CSS! After we’ve created certain rulesets, they want to behave almost like constants: never changing, closed to modification, immutable.”
“In a responsive website, utility classes tend to get overwritten more than it should. It brings many questions regarding the workflow […] I find his articulation a bit light when it comes to the shift he made.”
“No, the idea does not come from ‘a new wave of engineers who’ve recently become interested in the front-end’; I’m not part of the new wave and have no engineering background. On the other hand, I believe I have a good grasp of CSS.”