Supporting secure and transparent processes
– easing cooperation

“Florian takes into account the stakeholder's as well as the development's view. He comprehensibly points out technical concerns and conveys imaginative solutions.”

— Rik Watkinson, Managing Partner, Anschlaege.de – Studio for Design

Developer Experience (DX) is being cited analogous to User Experience (UX) to advertise systems for developers – like software tools or frameworks. It builds on an assumption that's not bound exclusively to software [1]:

Disruptionless developer work is valuable especially in teams and means security and appeal for the whole company – in particular if a cool-headed approach is required.

To promote this sort of security – independent of specific tools – we take into account both existing technical workflows as well as talents of all team members. This exchange builds respect and gains new points of view, allowing for improvement of technical platforms and internal communication as a whole.

Our experience in technical talks and event moderation faciliates organization of workshops and courses, giving even technically well-versed participants helpful suggestions.

[1]: vgl. Jean Yang: The Case for ‘Developer Experience’:

“in many cases, it’s far more empowering to the developer to help them explore and embrace existing complexity, rather than introduce more complexity when trying to automate things ‘away.’ ”

”Florian's curiosity makes him a natural problem solver. […] Even if the solution does not exist, Florian is known to develop the tool in-house.”

Dan Kreiger, Web Developer/Musician

Course of action

Emma Goldman, half-length portrait, facing left

Sounds interesting?

Emma Goldman, half-length portrait, facing left

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Did you know?

We love developing content and content management concepts and review page optimization and performance scores as part of our green web portfolio.

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