Accredited designer Florian Stolzenhain supplements your team roles with an emphatic senior developer for all implementation stages of web projects. Expect a strong competence in supporting developer experience – meaning reliable developer communication – and lean solutions for planning and implementing content management.

Setting the main focus on eco-friendliness and speed, we deliver ambitious frontend results – if necessary via rapid prototyping – and assist projects on a long-term basis.

“The most beautiful mail that I ever received.”

Volker Fricke, Head of Development, Blitzen GmbH & Co KG

Technical project management, systems and consulting

Urgewald, Mundraub.org, A MAZE. Festivals, A L’ARME! Festival, Futures Canvas, Parson AG

Content management systems and front end

Global Coal Exit List, Investing In Climate Chaos, lektoren.de, #GenoDigital, Richard Mosse, Studio UTO, Still Banking On Coal, Mathe im Advent, Klimadatenschule.de, Uferhallen e.V., Entdeckerkalender, Ziviler Friedensdienst, Medienwoche, Media Convention, Gamesweek, Deutsche Gamestage, Stattbad Berlin, Wikimedia e.V.

People I like working with

Reinblau Coop, Form und Konzept, Mark Engelhardt, Michael Böker

“Florian's talks are legendary.”

Arthur Lorenz, Full-Stack Developer, Drunomics GmbH

I love giving talks! here are some of them

2024-10-03 Certifiying BITV and WCAG accessibility standards 20min Frontend, CMS, Accesibilty
2023-09-07 Radius search using open geodata 20min Backend, PHP, CMS, Datasets
2023-03-02 React like it's 2009 15min Frontend, JS, Performance, UI, MVP, SPA
2022-12-01 Frontend Huge Data Wrangling 20min APIs, DBs, Performance, Frontend
2020-03-05 FoldingText (5/6): outliners and self-organization 20min Editors, Reviews, DX, PM
2020-02-06 Editing inside the shell (4/6) 15min Editors, Reviews, Shell, DX, PM
2019-03-12 What Lurks Beneath the View? 20min Frontend, Templating, DX
2019-01-09 Automate backups! 20min Sysad, Shell, CMS, Security
2017-10-11 Code Less – Care Less! Atomic CSS 20min Frontend, CSS, DX
2016-11-09 Getting Over Frameworks 20min Frontend, Frameworks, DX
2015-07-02 Drupal portal kits for events and media panels 20min Backend, CMS, Drupal, UI, UX

an overhead gantry crane in operation in the East Yard of William Doxford & Sons Ltd, Pallion, c1930s

Call for events

an overhead gantry crane in operation in the East Yard of William Doxford & Sons Ltd, Pallion, c1930s

If you're interested in presentations, pass a short mail to contact@studioagenturbuero.com.
You're welcome to check a suggestion off my draft list.

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